title and keywords title keywords - 电脑|办公 - 电脑办公-杀毒安全-网络-V3学习网
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title and keywords title keywords

时间:2021-02-26 11:51:21
ASP NET 如何动态修改 Header 属性如添加 Meta 标签 keywords推荐的简单做法如下:protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventA

title and keywords

ASP.NET 如何动态修改 Header 属性如添加 Meta 标签 keywords

推荐的简单做法如下:protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ //Page title Page.Title = "This is a title and meta test page."; //Encode/Content type HtmlMeta encode = new HtmlMeta(); encode.HttpEquiv = "Content-Type"; encode.Content = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; Page.Header.Controls.Add(encode); //Language HtmlMeta lang = new HtmlMeta(); lang.HttpEquiv = "Content-Language"; lang.Content = "zh-cn"; Page.Header.Controls.Add(lang); //Description HtmlMeta desc = new HtmlMeta(); desc.Name = "Description"; desc.Content = "Test the meta controls"; Page.Header.Controls.Add(desc); //Keyword HtmlMeta keywords = new HtmlMeta(); keywords.Name = "keywords"; keywords.Content = "title,meta,test,page"; Page.Header.Controls.Add(keywords); //Link/CSS HtmlLink cssLink = new HtmlLink(); cssLink.Href = "MasterPage.css"; cssLink.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet"); cssLink.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css"); Page.Header.Controls.Add(cssLink);}浏览时输出的页面源码便会达到如下效果:This is a title and meta test page. 1024) { keywords.Content = keywords.Content.Substring(0, keywords.Content.IndexOf(" ", 1024)); } description.Content = "This web site use asp.net2.0 and C# and Ajax technology"; if (description.Content.ToString().Length > 1024) { description.Content = description.Content.Substring(0, description.Content.IndexOf(" ", 1024)); } htmlCtrl.Controls.Add(author); htmlCtrl.Controls.Add(copyright); htmlCtrl.Controls.Add(date); htmlCtrl.Controls.Add(keywords); htmlCtrl.Controls.Add(description); htmlCtrl.Controls.Add(robots); } #endregion PAGE HEAD


Learning Foreign LanguageI love learning foreign languages.Especially English because English is the most widely spoken language in the world,it is used by countries all over the world.For example,if you want to find a nice job,you probably need to be good at English,and when you surf on the Internet,you"ll see many dialogues and keywords in English.If you don"t know them,then you"ll have to spend a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary.Therefore we must try harder to learn English and improve our English,and we could learn more besides.Now,I"m a junior high student,I try to read magazine articles in English everyday.In fact,learning English is lots of fun.It"s rather like learning Chinese.Just open your mouth and say something in English or read lots of achievement.All in all,it"s useful for everyone to learn English.----------------------------------------------------------------Learning a second languageFirst I want to tell you a funny story.Once a mouse was stealing a piece of cheese,a cat crept up behind him so quietly that he didn"t notice.When the mouse saw the cat,he had a brainstorm and screamed “woof woof” as loudly as possible at the cat.The hungry cat was so scared that it ran away.Like that mouse,if we have a good command of a foreign language,it means we own a valuable tool for communicating with others.Learning a language is like learning to ride a bike.You need to know how it works.But you must also get on the bike,and maybe even fall off a few times before you become a good cyclist.As for learning a second language,you not only have to memorize new words and grammar rules,but also practice speaking,writing,listen,and reading,even sometimes you make mistakes.When you practice and don"t fear mistakes,your outlook will be brighter!

type or print name and title是什么意思

type or print name and title打印的名字和头衔双语对照例句:1.Name or title and domicile of the trustor and the trustee. 委托人、受托人的姓名或者名称、住所。

2.Name and title of authorized signatory. 授权签字人姓名和头衔。


Steinbeck originally titled it Something That Happened, however he changed the title after reading Robert Burns" poem, To a Mouse. That poem tells of the regret the narrator feels for having destroyed the home of a mouse while plowing his field. In essence, it suggests that no plan is fool-proof and no one can be completely prepared for the future. The line from the poem: "To a Mouse" is often translated into English as: "The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry (or astray)." However, the original Burns Scottish is: "The best laid schemes o" mice an" men / Gang aft agley." Story Farm laborer Lennie is a big, loving, but sometimes childish man who has often killed pets accidentally with his crushing embrace. His buddy and close friend and fellow migrant worker, George , has warned him to be careful, since one day it might not be an animal that he kills. When their boss"s son"s wife finds Lennie in a barn weeping over a dead puppy, she is sympathetic, Lennie is touching her hair and gets scared when his hands get entangled in it. She screams and, in a panic, Lennie accidently breaks her neck. George knows where Lennie has run to hide and shoots him before the other men can get to him.
