learn words Review Alphabet Rhyme
Mary likes to learn words
以下内容是原创手打的,可以放心:Learning words through readingEnglish is considered the most commonly used language in the world. People who just start learning English may find it difficult to remember the complicated English words because the amount of these words is tremendous and some words can be very similar and hence confusing. Thus, it is hard for people for distinguish between similar words. A good way to learn English words is through reading. Reading helps people remember the meaning of words and also how to use those words. By providing an interesting situation, a passage that people read can enhance their memorization. Moreover, reading can also help people to improve their sense of language. Therefore, I believe that the best way to learn words is through reading. (120字)
learn[l\:n]vt, vilearned 或 learnt, learning 学,学习to learn quickly 学得快Have you learnt to swim? 你学过游泳吗?I"m learning English. 我在学英语.记住Learn the list of words. 记住单词表.(与of, about连用)得知;获悉to learn the details of the train wreck 得知火车事故的详情learn one"s lesson接受教训discover find out memorize teach unlearn learn[lE:n]vt.(learned [-t, -d], learnt [-t])学, 学会; 记住听到, 知道, 弄清楚[俚]教, 教训记[背]住learn Chinese学汉语learn (how) to swim学游泳learn a lesson学习功课, 获得教训I learn it from him.我是从他那里听来的.learnvi.学, 学习, 学会听到, 获悉; 知道, 认识到He learns very quickly.他学得很快.I learned of the accident only yesterday.我昨天才听说这个事故.
how to learn English
English is the dominant language of the Internet. The Internet will in turn become the dominant place to learn English. The way languages are learned is changing, and these changes are accelerating. The Internet is constantly evolving. It has created a dynamic environment for the communication and the management of information. The Internet has brought with it new forms of social interaction without boundaries. Technologies like MP3, iPod, Skype and PDAs, as well as blogs and podcasts, are making an immense variety of communication, information, literature, news and other language content available anywhere and anytime. A cascade of developments is causing interactive communities to spring up based on common interests, without regard to geography. This is going to stand traditional language learning on its head. English dominates on the Internet in areas ranging from entertainment to science. If you want to learn English, this represents an unprecedented opportunity. You can access English language content on any subject and learn from it. You can connect with English speaking people who share your interests. You can do this via e-mail, through blogs, podcasts and forums. You can link up with friends or even language tutors using free Internet telephony. The World Wide Web is the ultimate dynamic classroom and learning community. Over the next few years the Internet will take over from the classroom as the place of choice to learn English: Here are some of the reasons. The Primacy of Input If you want to learn English or any other language, you need input, meaningful, interesting and at your level. Today language learning experts emphasize input over output, listening and reading over grammar study. Before you can use the language, you must get used to the language. You don"t need to be in a hurry to speak English, and you don"t need to speak it all the time to improve. “Real language acquisition develops slowly, and speaking skills emerge significantly later than listening skills, even when conditions are perfect. The best methods are therefore those that supply "comprehensible input" in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are "ready", recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production." Stephen Krashen, University of Southern California. When you learned your own language as a child, you didn"t begin by speaking. You began by listening. New language learners can benefit from a “silent period". During the “silent period" you can absorb the language. You need not force yourself to speak it until you are confident. Even if you are an intermediate learner, extensive reading and listening will increase your familiarity with the language, enrich your vocabulary, and develop confidence. This is more beneficial than studying grammar. While listening and reading often and regularly are vital, the content must be meaningful. Learning content should be interesting and comprehensible to you. This means that you, not the teacher, should choose what to learn from. The Internet allows unlimited choice of fascinating authentic content. The traditional textbook cannot compete. Motivated learners used to spend their time in book stores looking for graded content that would help them in their language studies. Yet, inevitably a lot of this material could only be found in uninteresting textbooks and readers. But today authentic content on a variety of subjects is only a click away. This is especially the case for the person who wants to learn English. This range of material is made accessible to learners, since new systems can grade it for difficulty in a way that is customized to your specific vocabulary. You can learn English by listening to and reading on subjects that interest you and you won"t find it too difficult. Vocabulary over Grammar In order to achieve fluency in English you need to be comfortable using at least 10,000 words. On the Internet, you can choose appropriate content to listen to and read. The content can be graded to your level. But what about learning and remembering all those new words. We know how quickly we forget words when we look them up in a dictionary. And there are so many words to learn. Fortunately, the Internet makes it a lot easier to learn vocabulary. On the Internet you can use online dictionaries to look up words instantly (i.e., Babylon). There are learning software programs which create...
learn与study的区别1.learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味.learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门技能等.如 learn music,learn new words,learn to skate,learn from experience,learn from Lei Feng 2.study为“学习,研究”,强调学习的过程,指深入系统地学习,带有努力,勤奋的意味.其学习对象往往是科学,艺术和需要深入探讨,研究的问题及学科,不是单纯地获得技巧.如:study medicine,study science,study a map,study engineering,study painting.下列句子中的learn 和 study均不能互换:If you study hard,you\"ll learn the language well.如果你努力学习的话,你会把这门语言学好.He learned traditional Chinese medicine from a famous Chinese doctor.他跟随一位著名的中国医生学习中医.She studied late at night.她晚上学习到很晚.He is studying the problem of X-rays.他正在研究X射线的问题.3.在指某学科的“学习”时,或在不需要强调两者的区别时,learn 和study可以换用.如:How long have you learned/ studied Japanese?你学习日语有多久了?We must keep on learning/ studying if we do not want to lag behind the times.如果我们不想落在时代后面的话,就必须不断学习.
Keep a vocabulary notebook.When you learn a new word,add it to your notebook,and write down a sentence that will help you remember how to use the word.Use a learner"s dictionary.There are several excellent dictionaries for learners of English.These provide simple definitions and sample sentences to help you learn new words.Choose words that are important to you.When you study topics and words that you are interested in,you remember them better.Group words by topic to remember them.It is easier to study new words when you organize them into groups like foods or action verbs.Make flashcards to study your new words.Put one English word on each card,an(then put either the translation or the English definition on the back.After you study the words,review them quickly to see how many words you remember.Use new words as many times as possible in your daily life.The best way to learn and remember new words is to use them when you speak or write.Try using at least one new English word every day.Learn synonyms for new words.A synonym is a word that means the same thing is another word.You can expand your vocabulary by learning synonyms for your new English words.For example,"small" is a synonym for "little".Learn antonym for new words.An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.Learning an antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary,too.For example,"bad" is an antonym for "good".Study word roots.Many English words have Latin roots.When you learn one root,you can often learn many new words.For example,the Latin root "port" means "to carry",and this root is found in many English words like the following:export,import,and transport.Learn prefixes.Prefixes are small groups of letters that you put in front of words to give them different meanings.For example,you can put in-,un-,or non- in front of many adjectives to give them a negative or an opposite meaning.The word "flexible" describes a person or thing that can change or be changed easily.So "inflexible" means just the opposite.Learn how to pronounce each new word.An important part of using new English words effectively is learning how to pronounce them.As you know,many English words do niot sund the way you think they will!你自己选吧