bag of words论文 bag of words
matlab怎么组件bag of words
题目没写错吗?A-D都不对啊?我猜原题是“In the bag he found a piece of paper on which some special words were written”之类的吧,答案是B,是由“write some special words on a piece of paper”转换而来的……因为不能把句子里的“on”去掉,所以A是错的……
1 They filled the old bag with many books.2 Teacher wrote the words on a piece of the cardboard.3.Danny can guess what will happen to you.4.We should put,thermos on the right side,5.Some children put the jar into the water16.C 17D 18E 19 A 20 G好久不做了,有点慢,有些单词输入错了,我帮你改过了
Is Text Messaging Replacing Human Communication?By Steven Reynolds Remember the days of passing notes in class, trying to be sneaky so that the teacher wouldn"t catch you? Now imagine that it"s not a neatly folded piece of paper that you are trying pass across the aisle at school, but a note typed into a select area of a cell phone. By selecting who you want to send that note to and pressing send, you have just passed that note on without anyone even noticing. Unless, of course, the teacher catches you with your cell phone in class, which may be cause to take it from you for the day. Nonetheless, whether in school, at home, shopping at the mall or studying in the library, kids are keeping in constant contact through their cell phones without ever saying a word. Welcome to the world of text messaging.In this day and age, most everyone is equipped with a cell phone, from Grandma down to a five year old child. Back in the days when you actually had to be at home to receive a phone call, people had to actually speak to one another, whether you wanted to or not. You took a chance by answering the telephone when it rang, not knowing who was on the other end.Then came caller ID, which at least gave us the choice of whether we wanted to pick up the phone or not. Cell phones are all equipped with some form of caller ID, giving us that same option, but there is also a feature on the cell phone that can eliminate having to talk to anyone at all. It"s called text messaging and how it works is that instead of dialing a number, or choosing one from our contact list we have inserted into our phones and talking with the party at the other end, we can simply type them a message. The person on the receiving end will get the message, read it, and type a message back.Back in the day, we called that writing a letter! Unlike sending a letter across the country and waiting for sometimes weeks to get a reply, text messaging is instant. But like a letter, texting gives you a sense of anonymity, not having to actually talk to the person you are texting. This gives some teenagers a false sense of security, allowing them to text words to people that they would never say to them in person. In some cases, sending nasty or degrading messages to kids simply to make fun of them or say things to hurt them has become a form of bullying. The best answer to that is that the person on the reviving end can simply hit delete and the message is gone.Text messaging seems to be another way to avoid human communication, such as speaking to a person on the phone or face to face. Like any technology before it, it has advantages and disadvantages, but one thing is for sure. Texting has definitely become all the rage.The Myth of the Cell-Phone Addiction Pundits and bloggers are addicted to decrying the supposed cell-phone addiction of Americans. Calls for government to do something about it can"t be far behind, especially considering the other claims that cell phones give us tumors, gut our memories, and jackhammer our brains. There are even reports of second-hand damage from others" cell phone use.These articles go beyond merely claiming that cell phones are annoying—and truly people could learn some manners here, as in many other aspects of life. As regards this supposed “addiction”—this is a word attached to any habitual behaviors of others we do not like. What"s interesting here are those who offer something like a Marxian-style critique of cell-phone use. We are alienated from society, we are told, and obviously tormented by loneliness, and thereby seek solidarity and community. But rather than seek out genuine connection to others, we reach for technology, the very thing that alienated us to begin with. We grow ever more dependent on our gizmos but they ultimately disappoint because they only cause addiction to machines and thereby increase alienation.Also, we the oppressed long for empowerment and the ego-boost generated by the sense of importance granted by the idea of receiving and sending cell-phone calls. We can"t stop using our cell-phones and yet they only further entangle us in an artificial world of machines created via the money matrix.Oh just look at the cell-phone people everywhere! Surely this is the final stage of capitalism in which we ignore our brothers and sisters walking next to us but instead talk through electronic means to some distant party, and talk about what? About nothing: “It"s, like, so cool to be on the phone!” You can make this sort of critique up about anything, pepper the essay with references to Freud, Marx, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and, to stay in ...