设计软件要下英文版吗 免费房屋设计软件下载
SOFTWARE DESIGN Softwae design is a ceative pocess.It equies a cetain amount of flai on the pat of the designe and the final design is nomally an iteation fom a nume of peliminay designs.Design cannot e leaned fom a ook—it must e pacticed and leant y expeience and study of existing systems.Good design is the key to effective softwae engineeing.A well-designed softwae system is staightfowad [1] to implement and maintain,easily undestood and eliale.Badly designed systems,although they may wok,ae likely to e expensive to maintain,difficult to test and uneliale.The design stage is theefoe the most citical pat of the softwae development pocess. Until faily ecently,softwae design was lagely an ad hoc[2] pocess.Given a set of equiements,usually in natual language,an infomal design was pepaed,often in the fom of a flowchat[3].Coding then commenced and the design was modified as the system was implemented.When the implementation stage was complete,the design had usually changed so much fom its initial specification that the oiginal design document was a totally inadequate desciption of the system. This appoach to softwae design was esponsile fo many damatic and vey expensive poject failues.Now it is ealized that completely infomal notations such as flowchats,which ae close to the pogamming language,ae inadequate vehicles fo fomulating and expessing system design.It is ecognized that pecise(although not necessaily fomal)specification is an essential pat of the design pocess and that softwae design is an iteative,multi-stage activity which cannot e epesented in any single notation.Accodingly,a nume of design notations such as data flow diagams.HIPO chats[4],stuctue diagams and design desciption languages have een developed which ae supeio to flowchats fo expessing softwae designs. Given a equiements definition,the softwae enginee must use this to deive the design of a pogamming system which satisfies these equiements.This deivation is accomplished in a nume of stages: (1)The susystems making up the pogamming system must e estalished. (2)Each susystem must e decomposed into sepaate components and the susystem specification estalished y defining the opeation of these components. (3)Each pogam may then e designed in tems of inteacting sucomponents. (4)Each component must then e efined.This nomally entails specifying each component as hieachy of sucomponents. (5)At some stage of this efinement pocess,the algoithms used in each component must e specified in detail. As well as these vaious stages of pogamming system design,the softwae enginee may also e equied to design communication mechanisms allowing pocesses in the system to communicate[5].He o she may have to design file stuctues,and will almost cetainly have to design the data stuctues used in his pogams.He o she will have to design test cases to validate his pogams. Thee is no definitive way of estalishing what is meant y a“good”design.Depending on the application and the paticula poject equiements,a good design might e a design which allows vey efficient code to e poduced,it might e a minimal design whee the implementation is as compact as possile,o it might e the most maintainale design.This latte citeion is the citeion of“goodness”adopted hee.A maintainale design implies that the cost of system changes is minimized and this means that the design should e undestandale and that changes should e local in effect.Both of these ae achieved if the softwae design is highly cohesive and loosely coupled[6]. Effective softwae design is est accomplished y using a consistent design methodology.Thee have een a vast nume of design methodologies developed and used in diffeent applications.Some of these ae descied y Petes(1980)and y Blank and Kijge(1983).In essence,most of these methodologies can e classified into one of thee aeas: (1)Top-down functional design.The system is designed fom a functional viewpoint,stating with a high-level view and pogessively efining this into a moe detailed design.This methodology is exemplified y Stuctued Design and stepwise efinement. (2)Oject-oiented design.The system is viewed as a collection of ojects athe than as functions with messages passed fom oject to oject.Each oject has its own set of associated opeations.Oject-oiented design is ased on the idea of infomation hiding which was fist put fowad y Panas(1972)and which has een descied moe ecently y Roson(1981)and Booch(1983). (3)Data-diven design.This methodology,suggested y Jackson(1975)and Wanie(1977)...
对于一台PC,从软件方面说,除了操作系统,并没有什么装机“必备”或“不必备”,电脑的使用总是根据不同的任务选用相映的软件, 不同的用户有不同的需求。
大众化的常用软件多数都是免费正版的,以下这些是英文的 1、汉字输入法 极点五笔、紫光拼音等等,都在这: (注:英文Vista系统需要显示中文界面才能正常处理汉字) 2、办公软件 Office 2010 测试版(英文多语言),包括Wod、Excel、、PowePoint等等 3、电子书(pdf)阅读 Adoe Reade4、文件压缩解压缩 7-Zip 5、下载工具(视学校要求选用) FlashGet(快车) 6、光盘刻录、镜像提取 Imgun 2.50 7、虚拟光驱 (1)Alcohol 52% 英文多语系 (2)DAEMON Tools Lite 英文多语系 8、通用多媒体解码器 Windows Vista Codec Package 它可以对各种格式的视频、音乐进行解码,有了它,Vista自带的Windows Media Playe就可以播放几乎所有格式的电影、音乐了。
9、通讯对话 pidgin 英文多语系 它含有QQ、MSN等多个即时通讯工具,用于实现网络对话。
10、杀毒软件 瑞星 Rising 2010 英文简、繁中文(免费半年) 〈重要说明〉 关于电脑的界面语言问题 对于中文版的Windows操作系统,可以随意处理中文、英文,也可以随意安装使用中文、英文软件,而不会出现语言问题。
但是英文版的Windows系统有所不同,处理英文和安装使用英文软件是没有问题的,但是如何处理中文和中文软件呢? 首先是中文的显示问题,它会显示一堆乱码,其次是部分中文软件无法安装的问题。
解决方法: (1)点击Stat-Pogam-Windows Update,下载安装Simply Chinese语言。
(2)在控制面板的区域和语言选项中,把相关各项都设置为中国、中文、北京…… 这样以来,不但英文版的系统换上了中文界面(系统仍为英文版),而且中文不乱码,可随意处理中英文,随意安装使用中文、英文软件。
英语基础不好能学习编程吗?由于大多数语言的母语都是英语,这就导致了一些初学者望而止步,很多对编程感兴趣的人,在下决心培训编程之前,都会在心里打鼓,一遍一遍问自己,编程好学吗?我英语基础不好能不能学会 等诸多问题。
下面是达内老师针对一些想学却没有信心学好编程的同学 给出的建议,希望对你有所帮助!首先,建立自信心、学会坚持。