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[1]Gendon, Y., R. Sudday, and H. Lam, "An Examination of the Ethical Commitment of Pofessional Accountants to Audito Independence"[J]. Jounal of Business Ethics.2006. 64(2): p. 169-193. [2]Ettinge, I., A Study of the Impotance of Independence to the Cetified Pulic Accountant[D].1959, Michigan State Univesity of Agicultue and Applied Science. Dept. of Accounting and Financial Administation. [3]Shockley, R., An Expeimental Investigation Into the Peceived Audit Independence of Cetified Pulic Accountants[D].1979, Univesity Micofilms Intenational. [4]Gosman, M., Independence and the Cetified Pulic Accountant. 1966, Univesity of Wisconsin, Madison. [5]Stucky, N., The Pofessional, Ethical, and Legal Responsiilities of the Cetified Pulic Accountant fo Competence and Independence in Rendeing Management Sevices[D]. 1964, Univesity of Kansas, Business.