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word to used used to

时间:2021-08-25 09:57:54
word翻译word noun a single unit of language which means something and can be spoken or written 单词;词;字

word to used


word noun a single unit of language which means something and can be spoken or written 单词;词;字 countable Do not write more than 200 words. 写的东西不要超过 200 字。

Do you know the words to this song? 你知道这首歌的歌词吗? What"s the Spanish word for"table"? table 一词在西班牙语里叫什么? He was a true friend in all senses of the word. 从任何意义上来说他都是位真正的朋友。

Tell me what happened in your own words. 用你自己的话告诉我出了什么事。

I could hear every word they were saying. 我可以听到他们说的每一个字。

He couldn"t find the words to thank her enough. 他找不出适当的话语来充分表达对她的感激之情。

Words fail me(= I cannot express how I feel). 我无法用语言来表达我的感情。

There are no words to say how sorry we are. 我们十分后悔,实在无以言喻。

I can"t remember her exact words. 我记不清她的原话了。

Angry is not the word for it—I was furious. 说“生气”都不够 我是怒不可遏。

See also: buzzword; four-letter word; household word; swear word a thing that you say; a remark or statement 说的话;话语;言语 countable Have a word with Pat and see what she thinks. 和帕特谈一谈,看她是怎么想的。

Could I have a quick word with you(= speak to you quickly)? 我能跟你快点儿说句话吗? A word of warning: read the instructions very carefully. 警示:仔细阅读说明。

words of love 情话 She left without a word(= without saying anything). 她一句话也没说就走了。

I don"t believe a word of his story(= I don"t believe any of it). 他说的这件事我一句都不相信。

a man/woman of few words(= who doesn"t talk very much) 少言寡语的男子╱女子 I"d like to say a few words about future plans. 我想就今后的计划说几句。

Remember—not a word to(= don"t tell)Peter about any of this. 记住,对彼得可要只字不提这件事的任何情况。

He never breathed a word of this to me. 这事他从来没向我透露过一点风声。

a promise or guarantee that you will do something or that something will happen or is true 诺言;许诺;保证 singular I give you my word that this won"t happen again. 我向你保证这种事不会再次发生。

I give you my word of honour(= my sincere promise)… 我向你庄严承诺… We never doubted her word. 我们从不怀疑她的许诺。

We only have his word for it that the cheque is in the post. 他只是向我们保证支票在邮寄之中。

to keep your word(= do what you promised) 遵守诺言 He promised to help and was as good as his word(= did what he promised). 他答应帮忙,并且说话算数。

He"s a man of his word(= he does what he promises). 他是个守信用的人。

I trusted her not to go back on her word(= break her promise). 我相信她不会食言。

I can"t prove it—you"ll have to take my word for it(= believe me). 我无法证明此事,你就相信我好了。

a piece of information or news 信息;消息 singular There"s been no word from them since before Christmas. 自圣诞节前就一直没有他们的消息。

She sent word that she would be late. 她捎信来说她要晚些来。

If word gets out about the affair, he will have to resign. 要是这一绯闻传出去,他就得辞职。

Word has it that she"s leaving. 据说她要走了。

The word is they"ve split up. 据说他们离异了。

He likes to spread the word about the importance of healthy eating. 他喜欢宣传保健饮食的重要性。

the Bible and its teachings 《圣经》;福音 singular Alternate: the Word Variant: the Word of God Idiom: by word of mouth because people tell each other and not because they read about it 口头上;经口述 The news spread by word of mouth. 这消息是口头传开的。

Idiom: (right) from the word go informal from the very beginning 从一开始 Idiom: (not) get a word in edgeways British English (not) to be able to say anything because somebody else is speaking too much (因别人说话太多)插(不上)嘴 When Mary starts talking, no one else can get a word in edgeways. 玛丽讲起话来,别人谁也插不上嘴。

Variant: (not) get a word in edgewise American English Idiom: have a word in somebody"s ear British English to speak to somebody privately about something 和…说私话;与…密谈 Idiom: have/exchange words (with somebody) (about something) especially British English to argue or quarrel with somebody (与某人)争论,争吵 We"ve had words. 我们吵过架。

Words were exchanged. 发生过争吵了。

Idiom: in other words used to introduce an explanation of something 换句话说;也就是说;换言之 They asked him to leave—in other words he was fired. 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。

Idiom: (not) in so/as many words (not) in exactly the same words as somebody says were used (并非)一字不差地,原原本本地 "Did she say she was sorry?" "Not in so many words." “她道歉了没...

be used to do 与be used to doing的区别是什么

be used to do表示“被用来做某事”。

如:Wood is often used to make desks and chairs. 木头常常被用来制作桌椅。

be used to doing表示“习惯于”某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,to是介词。

如:She is not used to eating Chinese food. 她不习惯吃中餐。

be used to do 和 be used doing 的区别

This word is used to express a kind of animal.我习惯于饭后喝一本水.used to do 过去常常做某事 be used to do sth 被用来做某事, 如:This machine is used to clean the wall.这个机器是用来刷墙的.这个单词是用来表达一种动物的.be used to doing 习惯于做某事 如:I"m used to drinking a glass of water after meal, 如:I used to jog in the evening ...

would和used to有何区别?


因此,would 大多接often,frequently, sometimes, always, for hours, of aSunday 等副词(或介词短语)。

例如:He would often(or sometimes) come to see me of aSunday.他经常(有时)星期天来看我。

He would sit for hours, deeply thinking.他经常埋头思考,一坐就是几个钟头。

would 是表示过去的习惯性行为的典型的助动词,尤其用于正式英语,另外,现在时态的will 只用于第三人称,而表示上述意义的would 则用于所有人称。

used to “习惯于做,(从)......一直......”。


有时would 和usedto 同义,有时意义不同。

表示过去反复的动作时两者同样使用,不过,usedto 还有如下两种用法。


第二,usedto 尤其用来表示过去的持续状态。

下列场合不能用would 代替used to;They used to nod to eachother when they met, and now and then they would exchange aword or two.他们见面时总是互相点点头,而且有时也交谈一、两句。

He often used to say so.他过去经常那样说。

(反复)He used to like you.他原来喜欢你。

(但现在不喜欢了)(同现在对照)(持续状态)表习惯的would 和used to 的区别,其要点是would 通常指动作(反复),而usedto 除指动作(反复)外,有时还表示状态(同现在对照,持续状态)。


歌名Viva la Vida 演唱 Cold Play I used to rule the world 我曾经统治这个世界 Seas would rise when I gave the word 海水涨潮当我发出号令 Now in the morning I sweep alone 现在清晨我独自清扫 Sweep the streets I used to own 清扫我曾经拥有的街道 I used to roll the dice 我曾经投掷骰子 Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes 感觉到敌人眼中的恐惧 Listen as the crowd would sing: 也曾听到谣言中唱:"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" "现在老国王死了,国王万岁!" One minute I held the key 前一分钟我还持有钥匙 Next the walls were closed on me 下一分钟城墙就在我面前紧闭 And I discovered that my castles stand 我发现我那耸立的城堡 Upon pillars of song, pillars of sand 之上是用盐和沙砌成的柱子 I hear Jerusalem"s bell"s ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 Once you know there was never, never an honest word 一但你走了,那里永远不会有一句诚实的话语 That was when I ruled the world 那就是我统治这个世界的时刻 It was the wicked and wild wind 这是一个邪恶且野性的狂风 Blew down the doors to let me in. 刮倒了大门让我进入 Shattered windows and the sound of drums 粉碎的窗户与击鼓的声音 People could not believe what I"d become 人们不能相信我将成为什么 Revolutionaries Wait 革命的等待 For my head on a silver plate 为了将我的头颅盛在银色的盘子上 Just a puppet on a lonely string 只是在寂寞绳索上的一个木偶 Oh who would ever want to be king? 啊,谁真的愿意成为国王?I hear Jerusalem"s bell"s ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 I know Saint Peter will call my name 我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 永远没有诚实的话语 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) Hear Jerusalem"s bell"s ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 I know Saint Peter will call my name 我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 永远没有诚实的话语 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻

I used to rule the world.Seas would raise when i gave the world.这首歌是...

Viva la Vida 演唱 Cold Play I used to rule the world 我曾经统治这个世界 Seas would rise when I gave the word 海水涨潮当我发出号令 Now in the morning I sweep alone 现在清晨我独自清扫 Sweep the streets I used to own 清扫我曾经拥有的街道 I used to roll the dice 我曾经投掷骰子 Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes 感觉到敌人眼中的恐惧 Listen as the crowd would sing: 也曾听到谣言中唱:"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" "现在老国王死了,国王万岁!" One minute I held the key 前一分钟我还持有钥匙 Next the walls were closed on me 下一分钟城墙就在我面前紧闭 And I discovered that my castles stand 我发现我那耸立的城堡 Upon pillars of song, pillars of sand 之上是用盐和沙砌成的柱子 I hear Jerusalem"s bell"s ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 Once you know there was never, never an honest word 一但你走了,那里永远不会有一句诚实的话语 That was when I ruled the world 那就是我统治这个世界的时刻 It was the wicked and wild wind 这是一个邪恶且野性的狂风 Blew down the doors to let me in. 刮倒了大门让我进入 Shattered windows and the sound of drums 粉碎的窗户与击鼓的声音 People could not believe what I"d become 人们不能相信我将成为什么 Revolutionaries Wait 革命的等待 For my head on a silver plate 为了将我的头颅盛在银色的盘子上 Just a puppet on a lonely string 只是在寂寞绳索上的一个木偶 Oh who would ever want to be king? 啊,谁真的愿意成为国王?I hear Jerusalem"s bell"s ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 I know Saint Peter will call my name 我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 永远没有诚实的话语 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) Hear Jerusalem"s bell"s ringing 我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声 Be my mirror my sword and shield 让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士门仍在异国的战场 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法解释 I know Saint Peter will call my name 我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 永远没有诚实的话语 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻


1.I"m lucky because I don"t have a sweet tooth.很幸运,我不喜欢甜食.2.I used to live in the countryside.过去我住在乡村.3.The teacher encouraged his students to work hard.老师鼓励学生努力学习.4.When I was ten,I developed an interest in writing stories.我十岁时开始喜欢上了写故事.5.China has become the third nation to send a man into space.中国是第三个把人送上太空的国家.


used to do过去常常做某事I used to be a young pioneer.I used to jog in the evening.be used to doing习惯于做某事I"m used to drinking a cup of water after meal.He"s been used to living at the campus.be used to do(和前面两者没有可比性,意思是“被用来做某事”)This machine is used to clean the wall.This word is used to express a kind of animal.
