vba 从excel 复制表格到word excel vba word表格
如何将excel 中的内容复制到word的表格中!!!
WorksheetSet ); G" xSH.Cells.Copy yW; ) Case "F"yW .Worksheets("数据7"yW.Worksheets(" .Cells; Case xSH In xW;xSH;Case  .Range("E" xSH.Cells.Copy yW;A1" .Copy Case "".Worksheets("数据5"数据2").Range("A1")  .Range("  .Range(" .Cells;数据6").Range("A1")  .Name ) Case "H") Case "D" xSH; ) Case "B"2;xSH; );数据4").Range("A1") 数据8").Range("A1") Select = Workbooks("1.xlsx")Set yW = yW.Worksheets(" .Range("A1"yW.Worksheets(" Workbooks(" A1" yW.Worksheets("Case xSH;Case ); .Worksheets("数据3".Copy xW .Copy As )For .Cells; " C" xSH.Cells.Copy yW;); .Worksheets A1" .Copy  .Worksheets("数据1"WorkbookDim xSH A" xSH.Cells.Copy yW;  .xlsx"  设两个文件都打开: Sub admin()Dim xW As Workbook; "As End SelectNextEnd Each , .Cells;xSH;  ...
如果你是要从EXCEL 的VBA 入手,那么你需要在VBA引用中添加WORD Libary 11.0 如果是从WORD的VBA入手,那么就要添加EXCEL LIBARY 11.0 (OFFICE 2007 是 12.0)然后就是需要知道EXCEL中粘贴的代码,如果我记得不错的话,是:cells(1,1).paste这个,你也可以通过录制来得到。
excel提问 怎样把excel表格内容复制到word 但随着excel变化 word的内...
引用各科成绩的数据原理和引用考场号是一样的,只要修改代码中公式的内容就好了, Sub 从登分表中导入考场座号数据() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim wstTemp As Worksheet, intRow% For Each wstTemp In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With wstTemp intRow = .[A65536].End(xlUp).Row If wstTemp.Name Like "*文*" Then .Range("G3:G" & intRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-6],[文登分表.xls]文科登分表!C1:C5,4,0)" .Range("H3:H" & intRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-7],[文登分表.xls]文科登分表!C1:C5,5,0)" .Range("G3:H" & intRow).Copy .Range("G3:H" & intRow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, xlNone, False, False ElseIf wstTemp.Name Like "*理*" Then .Range("G3:G" & intRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-6],[理登分表.xls]理科登分表!C1:C5,4,0)" .Range("H3:H" & intRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-7],[理登分表.xls]理科登分表!C1:C5,5,0)" .Range("G3:H" & intRow).Copy .Range("G3:H" & intRow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, xlNone, False, False End If End With Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub 清除考场座号数据() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim wstTemp As Worksheet, intRow% For Each wstTemp In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With wstTemp If wstTemp.Name Like "*文*" Or wstTemp.Name Like "*理*" Then intRow = .[A65536].End(xlUp).Row .Range("G3:H" & intRow).ClearContents End If End With Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Sub test() Dim i%, myName$, myPath$, AppWord As Object Set AppWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" myName = Dir(myPath & "*.doc*") With ActiveSheet .Columns("A:B").ClearContents Do While myName "" AppWord.Documents.Open Filename:=myPath & myName i = i + 1 .Cells(i, 1) = myName .Cells(i, 2) = AppWord.ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=300).Text AppWord.ActiveDocument.Close False myName = Dir Loop End With AppWord.Quit Set AppWord = Nothing MsgBox "已完成。
"End Sub...
如下,使用时先更改test下的docpath和xlspath路径设定,docpath即你的word的目录,此目录包括子目录下的所有doc将被读取,xlspath即输出目录,需要存在 在VBA窗口中,先在视图下显示立即窗口以观察进度,程序最后的输出类似这样 正在读取[1]:->D:\1\Resume.doc 正在生成:->d:\2\Resume 正在读取[2]:->D:\1\简历(简).doc 正在生成:->d:\2\简历(简) 正在读取[3]:->D:\1\计数器说明.doc 正在生成:->d:\2\计数器说明 共耗时0分41秒 Option Explicit Dim docpath As String, xlspath As String"ResultFlag=0 获取路径"ResultFlag=1 获取文件名"ResultFlag=2 获取扩展名 Public Function SplitPath(FullPath As String, ResultFlag As Integer) As String Dim SplitPos As Integer, DotPos As Integer SplitPos = InStrRev(FullPath, "\") DotPos = InStrRev(FullPath, ".") Select Case ResultFlag Case 0 SplitPath = Left(FullPath, SplitPos - 1) Case 1 If DotPos = 0 Then DotPos = Len(FullPath) + 1 SplitPath = Mid(FullPath, SplitPos + 1, DotPos - SplitPos - 1) Case 2 If DotPos = 0 Then DotPos = Len(FullPath) SplitPath = Mid(FullPath, DotPos + 1) Case Else Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "SplitPath Function", "Invalid Parameter!" End Select End Function Public Function FileFolderExists(ByVal strFullPath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo EarlyExit If Not Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then FileFolderExists = True EarlyExit: On Error GoTo 0 End Function Sub Test() "使用双字典,旨在提高速度 Dim MyName, Dic, Did, I, T, F, TT, MyFileName, Doc, Ke Dim count As Integer count = 0 T = Time docpath = "D:\1\" xlspath = "d:\2\" Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") "创建一个字典对象 Set Did = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dic.Add (docpath), "" I = 0 Do While I Ke = Dic.keys "开始遍历字典 MyName = Dir(Ke(I), vbDirectory) "查找目录 Do While MyName "" If MyName "." And MyName ".." Then If (GetAttr(Ke(I) & MyName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then "如果是次级目录 Dic.Add (Ke(I) & MyName & "\"), "" "就往字典中添加这个次级目录名作为一个条目 End If End If MyName = Dir "继续遍历寻找 Loop I = I + 1 Loop "Did.Add ("文件清单"), "" "以查找D盘下所有EXCEL文件为例 For Each Ke In Dic.keys MyFileName = Dir(Ke & "*.doc") Do While MyFileName "" Doc = Ke & MyFileName Did.Add (Doc), "" count = count + 1 Debug.Print "正在读取[" & count & "]:->" & Doc doc2xls (Doc) MyFileName = Dir Loop Next " For Each Sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets " If Sh.Name = "XLS文件清单" Then " Sheets("XLS文件清单").Cells.Delete " F = True " Exit For " Else " F = False " End If " Next "If Not F Then " Sheets.Add.Name = "XLS文件清单" "End If "Sheets("XLS文件清单").[A1].Resize(Did.Count, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Did.keys) TT = Time - T Debug.Print "共耗时" & Minute(TT) & "分" & Second(TT) & "秒" End Sub Sub doc2xls(filename As String) Dim xlApp As Object, xlSheet As Object, outfile As String, c As Object Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlSheet = xlApp.Workbooks.Add.Sheets(1) Dim Wapp As Object, Doc As Object, GetDocText As Object "Word Application 对象、Document 对象 Set Wapp = CreateObject("Word.Application") "创建Word Application 对象 Set Doc = Wapp.Documents.Open(filename, ReadOnly:=True) "打开文档,返回一个文档对象"xlSheet.Range("A1") = Doc.Content.Text Doc.Application.Selection.WholeStory """"全选 Doc.Application.Selection.Copy """"""""""复制 xlSheet.Range("A1").Select xlSheet.Paste outfile = xlspath + Replace(SplitPath(filename, 1), ".doc", ".xls") Debug.Print "正在生成:->" & outfile xlSheet.Parent.SaveAs outfile xlApp.Quit Set xlSheet = Nothing Set xlApp = Nothing Wapp.Quit Set Doc = Nothing Set Wapp = Nothing End Sub