readfree password console.readpassword
我的iphone手机用APP STOR下载免费软件的时候显示APPLE ID密码...
我是粘贴狂 制造厂 模型 OS版本 登录 口令3Com - 1.25 root letmein3Com Super Stack 2 Switch Any manager manager3Com AccessBuilder?7000 BRI Any - -3Com CoreBuilder 2500 - - -3Com Switch 3000/3300 - manager manager3Com Switch 3000/3300 - admin admin3Com Switch 3000/3300 - security security3com Cable Managment System SQL Database (DOSCIC DHCP) Win2000 & MS DOCSIS_APP 3com3Com NAC (Network Access Card) - adm none3Com HiPer ARC Card v4.1.x of HA adm none3Com CoreBuilder 6000 - debug tech3Com CoreBuilder 7000 - tech tech3Com SuperStack II Switch 2200 - debug synnet3Com SuperStack II Switch 2700 - tech tech3Com SuperStack / CoreBuilder - admin -3Com SuperStack / CoreBuilder - read -3Com SuperStack / CoreBuilder - write -3Com LinkSwitch and CellPlex - tech tech3Com LinkSwitch and CellPlex - debug synnet3com Superstack II 3300FX - admin -3com Switch 3000/3300 - Admin 3com3com 3comCellPlex7000 - tech tech3Com Switch 3000/3300 - monitor monitor3Com AirConnect Access Point n/a - comcomcom3com Superstack II Dual Speed 500 - security security3Com OfficeConnect 5x1 at least 5.x - PASSWORD3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300XM - admin -3com Super Stack 2 Switch Any manager manager3Com SuperStack II Switch 1100 - manager manager3Com SuperStack II Switch 1100 - security security3com super stack 2 switch any manager manager3Com Office Connect Remote 812 - root !root3Com Switch 3000/3300 - admin admin3COM OCR-812 - root !root3com - - - -3com NBX100 2.8 administrator 00003com Home Connect - User Password3Com OfficeConnect 5x1 at least 5.x estheralastruey -3Com SuperStack II Switch 3300 - manager manager3Com Superstack - - - ACC Routers - netman netman Acc/Newbridge Congo/Amazon/Tigris All versions netman netman Acc/Newbridge Congo/Amazon/Tigris All versions netman netman adaptec - - - - Adaptec RAID Storage Manager Pro All Administrator adaptec adtran tsu 600 ethernet module - 18364 - Adtran TSU 120 e - - ADTRAN Adtran TSU 120 e - - ADTRAN Aironet All - alcatel - - - - Alcatel 1000 ANT Win98 - - alcatel speed touch home - - - Alcatel/Newbridge/Timestep VPN Gateway 15xx/45xx/7xxx Any root permit Alcatel/Newbridge/Timestep VPN Gateway 15xx/ Any root permit Alcatel/Newbridge/Timestep VPN Gateway 15xx/ Any root permit Allied Tenysin R130 - Manager friend Alteon ACEswitch 180e (telnet) - admin blank Alteon Web Systems All hardware releases Web OS 5.2 none admin APC MasterSwitches - apc apc APC Any Firmware Pri apcuser apc Apple Network Assistant 3.X None xyzzy Apple Airport 1.1 none public Arrowpoint any? - admin system Ascend All TAOS models all admin Ascend Ascend Pipeline Terminal Server - answer - Ascom Timeplex Routers Any See notes - AT&T Starlan SmartHUB 9.9 N/A manager AWARD Any BIOS - AWARD_SW - Axent NetProwler manager WinNT administrator admin Axis NPS 530 5.02 root pass AXIS StorPoint CD100 4.28 root pass AXIS 200 V1.32 - admin - Axis 2100 Network Camera Linux (ETRAX root pass bay cv1001003 - - - bay - - - - Bay - - - - Bay / Nortel ARN 13.20 Manager (caps count !) - Bay Network Routers All - User - Bay Networks ASN / ARN Routers Any Manager Manager Bay Networks Baystack - - NetICs Nortel Baystack 450T sw V. secure Bay/Nortel Networks Accelar 1xxx switches Any rwa rwa Bay/Nortel Networks Remote Annex 2000 Any admin IP address BEA Weblogic 5.1 system weblogic BEA - - - - bewan - - - - Bintec all Routers Any admin bintec Bintec - - - - Biodata BIGfire & BIGfire+ all - biodata Biodata all Babylon-Boxes all - Babylon Black Box terminal server / telnet auf ports 2001-2016 LES2700A-16, LES2700A-32 and LES2700A-422 SYSTEM (admin rights) Borland interbase - - - Borland Interbase Any politcally correct Borland/Inprise Interbase any SYSDBA masterkey BreezeCom AP10, SA10 BreezeNET PR - - BreezeCOM Station Adapter and Access Point 4.x - Super BreezeCOM - 3.x - Master BreezeCOM Station Adapter and Access Point 2.x - laflaf Brocade Silkworm - admin password Buffalo/MELCO AirStation WLA-L11 - root (cannot be changed) (no password by default) Cabletron any any -- -- Cabletron NB Series Any - inuvik49 Cabletron routers and switches * * blank blank Cayman 3220-H DSL Router GatorSurf 5. Any - celerity - - - - Chase Research Iolan+ - - iolan Cisco Any Router and Switch 10 thru 12 cisco cisco Cisco ConfigMaker Software any? n/a cmaker CISCO Network ...
本文的目的是演示如何保存和检索到长原始数据类型列使用 ActiveX 数据对象 (ADO) 方法 GetChunk 和 AppendChunk Oracle 7.3 数据库中的二进制大对象 (BLOB) 数据。
长原始数据类型用于存储二进制数据变量的大小为 2 Gb 的长度。
子查询、 函数、 表达式、 WHERE 子句或索引中不能使用长原始列。
应该注意的是它不建议将 BLOB 数据或长文本数据存储在表中。
以下项目在启动窗体上有一个图片框、 CommonDialog 控制和三个命令按钮。
您必须修改连接字符串以匹配您的 Oracle 安装的设置。
注意: 对于 Visual Basic 5.0 的用户,您需要获取并安装本文中的 Microsoft 数据访问组件 (MDAC) 有关的示例。
对于 Visual Basic 6.0 用户,ADO 2.0 和适用于 Oracle 的驱动程序版本 2.5 Microsoft ODBC 安装 Visual Basic 6.0。
此项目使用名为 BlobTable 的表。
CREATE TABLE BLOBTABLE ( MYID NUMBER(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, BLOBFLD LONG RAW ); / INSERT INTO BLOBTABLE (MYID) VALUES (1); / Commit; 应用程序说明 Visual Basic 应用程序具有一个图片框控件,以查看所选的图片文件 (其默认的扩展名为.bmp 或.ico 文件),CommonDialog 控件来选择图片文件和三个命令按钮,可以控制应用程序流。
AppendChunk 命令按钮,单击时,将显示打开文件对话框,允许您选择一个扩展名为.bmp 或.ico 文件。
GetChunk 按钮,单击时,检索的原始长列中的 BLOB 数据、 将二进制数据转换为 BMP 文件并在图片框控件中显示该文件。
创建应用程序通过执行以下步骤:在 Visual Basic 中打开一个新项目。
在新窗体上放置一个图片框和 CommonDialog 控件以及三个命令按钮。
在项目菜单上,指向引用,然后选择 Microsoft ActiveX 数据对象 2.x 库。
将下面的代码放置在 Form1 的通用声明部分中: " This application demonstrates using ADO with the AppendChunk " and GetChunk methods against an Oracle 7.3 database. " Option Explicit Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection Dim Rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim strConn As String Dim strSQL As String Dim FileLength As Long "Used in Command1 and Command2 procedures. Dim Numblocks As Integer Dim LeftOver As Long Dim i As Integer Const BlockSize = 100000 "This size can be experimented with for "performance and reliability. Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Caption = "AppendChunk" Command2.Caption = "GetChunk" Command3.Caption = "Exit" Command2.Enabled = False "Make Connection Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection strConn = "UID=MyUID;PWD=MyPassword;" & _ "driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};" & _ "SERVER=MyServer;" Cn.Open strConn Debug.Print Cn.ConnectionString End Sub Public Sub Command1_Click() " AppendChunk button " This procedure prompts for a BMP file, " converts that file to a Byte array, " and saves the Byte Array to the table " using the Appendchunk method. " Dim PictBmp As String Dim ByteData() As Byte "Byte array for Blob data. Dim SourceFile As Integer " Open the BlobTable table. strSQL = "Select MyID, BLOBfld from BLOBTABLE WHERE MyID = 1" Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset Rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset Rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic Rs.Open strSQL, Cn " Retrieve the picture and update the record. CommonDialog1.Filter = "(*.bmp;*.ico)|*.bmp;*.ico" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen PictBmp = CommonDialog1.filename Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass Me.Caption = "Retrieving the picture" " Save Picture image to the table column. SourceFile = FreeFile Open PictBmp For Binary Access Read As SourceFile FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) " Get the length of the file. Debug.Print "Filelength is " & FileLength If FileLength = 0 Then Close SourceFile MsgBox PictBmp & " empty or not found." Exit Sub Else Numblocks = FileLength / BlockSize LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize ReDim ByteData(LeftOver) Get SourceFile, , ByteData() Rs(1).AppendChunk ByteData() ReDim ByteData(BlockSize) For i = 1 To Numblocks Get SourceFile, , ByteData() Rs(1).AppendChunk ByteData() Next i Rs.Update "Commit the new data. Close SourceFile End If Me.Caption = "Picture Retrieved" Command2.Enabled = True Me.MousePointer = vbNormal End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() " GetChunk Button " This procedure retrieves the picture image " from the table using the GetChunk method, " converts the data to a file and " displays that file in the Picture box. " Dim ByteData() As Byte "Byte array for picture ...
Many childen use the Intenet to get useful knowledge and infomation, and to elax in thei fee time. But some of them ae not using it in a good way .Hee ae some ules to make sue you ae safe and have fun on the Intenet . 很多小孩都在使用网络,在网络上获得有用的知识和信息,在空闲的时间里娱乐。
Make ules fo Intenet use with you paents. Fo example, when you can go on line, fo how long and what activities you can go on line. 和家长一起制定使用网络的规则。
※Don"t give you passwod (密码) to anyone else ,and neve give out the following infomation ---youeal name , home addess ,age ,school ,phone nume o othe pesonal infomation. 不要把你的密码给其他的人,并且永远不要告诉别人以下信息: 你的真实名字,家庭住址,年龄,学校,手机号码,或者其他个人信息。
※Check with you paents efoe giving out a cedit cad (信用卡) nume在告诉别人你的信用卡号码之前,先告知你的家长。
※Neve send a photo of youself to someone in e-mail unless you paents say it"s OK. 除非你的家长同意,你才可以把自己的照片发邮件给其他人。
※Check with you paents efoe going into a chat oom. Diffeent chat ooms have diffeent ules and attact diffeent kinds of people .You and you paents will want to make sue it"s a ight place fo you. 进入聊天室之前,先经得家长的同意。
※Neve agee to meet someone you met on the Intenet without you paents" pemission . Neve meet anyone you met on line alone. 在家长没同意之前,不能和陌生人见面。
※Always ememe that people online may not e who they say they ae. Teat eveyone online as stanges 时刻记住,网络上的人说的可能都不是实话。
※If something you see oead online makes you uncomfotale, leave the site. Tell a paent o teacheight away. 如果网络上你看到的或读到的东西让你不舒服的话,请离开那个网站。
※Teat othe people as you"d like to e teated. Neve use ad language. 对待其他人像你想被其他人对待的方式。
※Rememe –not eveything you ead on the Intenet is tue. 请记住 - 在网络上读到的东西不是所有的都是真的。
VB API下载文件问题
模块1.调用 方法:dim s as Boolean s = DownloadToFile(地址,保存文件路径名称) 如果变量s = true 则成功。
Option Explicit Private Declare Function StrFormatByteSize Lib "shlwapi" Alias _"StrFormatByteSizeA" (ByVal dw As Long, ByVal pszBuf As String, ByRef _ cchBuf As Long) As String Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" _ Alias "InternetOpenA" (ByVal sAgent As String, _ ByVal lAccessType As Long, ByVal sProxyName As String, _ ByVal sProxyBypass As String, ByVal lFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function InternetOpenUrl Lib "wininet.dll" _ Alias "InternetOpenUrlA" (ByVal hOpen As Long, _ ByVal sUrl As String, ByVal sHeaders As String, _ ByVal lLength As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long, _ ByVal lContext As Long) As Long Private Declare Function HttpOpenRequest Lib "wininet.dll" _ Alias "HttpOpenRequestA" _(ByVal hInternetSession As Long, _ ByVal lpszVerb As String, _ ByVal lpszObjectName As String, _ ByVal lpszVersion As String, _ ByVal lpszReferer As String, _ ByVal lpszAcceptTypes As Long, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long Private Declare Function InternetConnect Lib "wininet.dll" _ Alias "InternetConnectA" _(ByVal hInternetSession As Long, _ ByVal lpszServerName As String, _ ByVal nProxyPort As Integer, _ ByVal lpszUsername As String, _ ByVal lpszPassword As String, _ ByVal dwService As Long, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long Private Declare Function HttpSendRequest Lib "wininet.dll" _ Alias "HttpSendRequestA" _(ByVal hHttpRequest As Long, _ ByVal sHeaders As String, _ ByVal lHeadersLength As Long, _ ByVal sOptional As String, _ ByVal lOptionalLength As Long) As Boolean Private Declare Function InternetReadFile Lib "wininet.dll" _(ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef sBuffer As Byte, _ ByVal lNumBytesToRead As Long, lNumberOfBytesRead As Long) _ As Integer Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" _(ByVal hInet As Long) As Integer Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long Private bolStop As Boolean Public Function DownloadToFile(ByVal sUrl As String, ByVal strFile As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim s As String Dim hOpen As Long Dim hOpenUrl As Long Dim bDoLoop As Boolean Dim bRet As Boolean Dim intFH As Integer Dim sReadBuffer() As Byte Dim lNumberOfBytesRead As Long Dim lCount As Long Const INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG = 0 Const INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT = 1 Const INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY = 3 Const scUserAgent = "VB OpenUrl" Const INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD = &H80000000 hOpen = InternetOpen(scUserAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0) hOpenUrl = InternetOpenUrl(hOpen, sUrl, vbNullString, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0) lCount = 0 If hOpen 0 And hOpenUrl 0 Then intFH = FreeFile Open strFile For Binary As #intFH Do While True ReDim sReadBuffer(2048) bRet = InternetReadFile(hOpenUrl, sReadBuffer(0), 2048, lNumberOfBytesRead) If lNumberOfBytesRead > 0 And bRet = True Then ReDim Preserve sReadBuffer(0 To lNumberOfBytesRead - 1) Put #intFH, , sReadBuffer Else Exit Do End If bolStop = False DoEvents If bolStop = True Then Exit Do Loop Close #intFH DownloadToFile = True Else DownloadToFile = False End If If hOpenUrl 0 Then InternetCloseHandle (hOpenUrl) If hOpen 0 Then InternetCloseHandle (hOpen) If hOpen = 0 Or hOpenUrl = 0 Then DownloadToFile = False End Function
以下是小黄字的全部内容(手打翻译了一部分,可以参考!Exploding creepers!That"!Kiss the sky!20 GOTO 10;s finished!(结束了!Keyboard compatible!Ultimate edition!Freaky! (极限编辑!)Sexy!Fat free!Absolutely no memes!Free dental!Ask your doctor!Minors welcome!Exclusive!You"Minecraft右上角的黄字,俗称“小黄字”,是Minecraft随机出现的一个类似于调侃的消息,基本上可以无视,但是还是挺好玩的!12 herbs and spices!Nice to meet you!Buckets of lava!Ride the pig!Bringing home the bacon!)Flashing letters! (流水般的字)Made by Notch! (Notch(注:Minecraft创始人))It"s here! (就是这!)Best in class!Not as cool as Spock!Collaborate and listen.P;s knees! (在电视上看见!Yes!Down with O!)It"!It"s a game:As seen on TV!(销售量比500多!Not linear!Han shot first!Complex cellular automata! (100%纯正)May contain nuts!Indev;s no moon!Haunted!Made in Sweden!Uses LWJGL!l33t!Create!Undocumented!Ingots!All inclusive!sqrt(-1) love you!Spiders everywhere!Check it out!)One of a kind!Heaps of hits on YouTube!Tell your friends!Reticulating splines!Minecraft!Yaaay!Singleplayer.1 (if supported)!Thousands of colors!Try it!Cloud computing!Survive!)Awesome! (超棒!)100% pure!The bee"!Verlet intregration!Peter Griffin!Do not distribute!Cogito ergo sum!4815162342 lines of code!A skeleton popped out!The Work of Notch!The sum of its parts!BTAF used to be good!I miss ADOM!umop-apisdn!OICU812!Bring me Ray Cokes!Finger-licking!Thematic!Pneumatic!Sublime!Octagonal!Une baguette!Gargamel plays it!Rita is the new top dog!SWM forever!Representing Edsbyn!Matt Damon!Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!Consummate V"s!Cow Tools!Double buffered!Fan fiction!Flaxkikare!Jason! Jason! Jason!Hotter than the sun!Internet enabled!Autonomous!Engage!Fantasy!DRR! DRR! DRR!Kick it root down!Regional resources!Woo, facepunch!Woo, somethingawful!Woo, /v/!Woo, tigsource!Woo, minecraftforum!Woo, worldofminecraft!Woo, reddit!Woo, 2pp!Google anlyticsed!Now supports åäö!Give us Gordon!Tip your waiter!Very fun!12345 is a bad password!Vote for net neutrality!Lives in a pineapple under the sea!MAP11 has two names!Omnipotent!Gasp!...!Bees, bees, bees, bees!Jag känner en bot!This text is hard to read if you play the game at the default resolution, but at 1080p it"s fine!Haha, LOL!Hampsterdance!Switches and ores!Menger sponge!idspispopd!Eple (original edit)!So fresh, so clean!Slow acting portals!Try the Nether!Don"t look directly at the bugs!Oh, ok, Pigmen!Finally with ladders!Scary!Play Minecraft, Watch Topgear, Get Pig!Twittered about!Jump up, jump up, and get down!Joel is neat!A riddle, wrapped in a mystery!Huge tracts of land!Welcome to your Doom!Stay a while, stay forever!Stay a while and listen!Treatment for your rash!"Autological" is!Information wants to be free!"Almost never" is an interesting concept!Lots of truthiness!The creeper is a spy!Turing complete!It"s groundbreaking!Let our battle"s begin!The sky is the limit!Jeb has amazing hair!Ryan also has amazing hair!Casual gaming!Undefeated!Kinda like Lemmings!Follow the train, CJ!Leveraging synergy!This message will never appear on the splash screen, isn"t that weird?DungeonQuest is unfair!110813!90210!Check out the far lands!Tyrion would love it!Also try VVVVVV!Also try Super Meat Boy!Also try Terraria!Also try Mount And Blade!Also try Project Zomboid!Also try World of Goo!Also try Limbo!Also try Pixeljunk Shooter!Also try Braid!That"s super!Bread is pain!Read more books!Khaaaaaaaaan!Less addictive than TV Tropes!More addictive than lemonade!Bigger than a bread box!Millions of peaches!Fnord!This is my true form!Totally forgot about Dre!Don"t bother with the clones!Pumpkinhead!Hobo humping slobo babe!Made by Jeb!Has an ending!Finally complete!Feature packed!Boots with the fur!Stop, hammertime!Testificates!Conventional!Homeomorphic to a 3-sphere!Doesn"t avoid double negatives!Place ALL the blocks!Does barrel rolls!Meeting expectations!PC gaming since 1873!Ghoughpteighbteau tchoghs!Déjà vu!Déjà vu!Got your nose!Haley loves Elan!Afraid of the big, black bat!Doesn"t use the U-word!Child"s play!See you next Friday or so!From the streets of Södermalm!150 bpm for 400000 minutes!Technologic!Funk soul brother!Pumpa kungen!日本ハロー!한국 안녕하세요!Helo Cymru!Cześć Polsko!你好中国!Привет Россия!Γεια σου Ελλάδα!My life for Aiur!Lennart lennart = new Lennart();I see your vocabulary has improved!Who put it there?You...
Name HBase Memcached MongoDB Redis Solr Description Wide-column store based on Apache Hadoop and on concepts of BigTable In-memory key-value store, originally intended for caching One of the most popular document stores In-memory database with configurable options performance vs. persistency A widely usedenterprise search engine based onApache Lucene Developer Apache Software Foundation Danga Interactive MongoDB, Inc Salvatore Sanfilippo Apache Software Foundation Initial release 2008 2003 2009 2009 2004 License Open Source Open Source Open Source Open Source Open Source Implementation language Java C C++ C Java Server operating systems Linux Linux Linux Linux All OS with a Java VM and a servlet container Unix Unix OS X OS X Windows Windows Windows Windows FreeBSD Solaris BSD Database model Wide column store Key-value store Document store Key-value store Search engine Data scheme schema-free schema-free schema-free schema-free y... multiple languages.Net C# C# , and that have high performance requirements. Architecture. Connectors, Entity Extraction (UIMA) Typical application scenarios Mostly used for caching Applications that can hold all data in memory: Lives in web stack, true morphological CJK, ships by default with Jetty.Net C++ C++ C++ C++ Groovy ColdFusion Groovy Clojure Java Java Java Java Java Erlang Erlang Erlang Erlang Python Python Python Python Python Scala Lua Scala Scala Scala Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Perl Perl Perl Perl OCaml Lua Lua any language that supports sockets and either XML or JSON Lisp Lisp Lisp Dart Dart ColdFusion Go Go Actionscript Objective-C Haskell Haskell Smalltalk Smalltalk Clojure Tcl MatLab PowerShell Prolog Server-side scripts yes no JavaScript Lua Java plugins Triggers yes no no no no Partitioning methods Sharding none Sharding none Sharding Replication methods selectable replication factor none Master-slave replication Master-slave replication cloud/, binary document filters (Tika). persistency A widely usedenterprise search engine based onApache Lucene Developer Apache Software Foundation Danga Interactive MongoDB, originally intended for caching One of the most popular document stores In-memory database with configurable options performance vs;distributed (via Zookeeper) Master-slave replication MapReduce yes no yes no no Consistency concepts Immediate Consistency Eventual Consistency Eventual Consistency Immediate Consistency Foreign keys no no no no no Transaction concepts no no no optimistic locking optimistic locking Concurrency yes yes yes yes yes Durability yes no yes yes yes User concepts Access Control Lists (ACL) yes Users can be defined with full access or read-only access very simple password-based access control Specific characteristics Redis very much emphasize performance, JDBC, Inc Salvatore Sanfilippo Apache Software Foundation Initial release 2008 2003 2009 2009 2004 License Open Source Open Source Open Source Open Source Open Source Implementation language Java C C++ C Java Server operating systems Linux Linux Linux Linux All OS with a Java VM and a servlet container Unix Unix OS X OS X Windows Windows Windows Windows FreeBSD Solaris BSD Database model Wide column store Key-value store Document store Key-value store Search engine Data scheme schema-free schema-free schema-free schema-free yes Typing no no yes no yes Secondary indexes no no yes no yes SQL no no no no no APIs and other access methods Java API Proprietary protocol proprietary protocol using JSON proprietary protocol Java API RESTful HTTP API RESTful HTTP API Thrift Supported programming languages C C C C C# . In any design decisions performance has priority over features or memory requirementsName HBase Memcached MongoDB Redis Solr Description Wide-column store based on Apache Hadoop and on concepts of BigTable In-memory key-value store 展开