vba word 将指定文件夹内的图片插 word vba 遍历文件夹 - 电脑|办公 - 电脑办公-杀毒安全-网络-V3学习网
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vba word 将指定文件夹内的图片插 word vba 遍历文件夹

时间:2020-07-06 09:51:56
求助:如何通过VBA批量选中word文档里的嵌入型图片或表格? 提供示例代码供参考;   Count For i As Integer LineWidth 1 To ShapesCo

vba word 将指定文件夹内的图片插


&nbsp提供示例代码供参考; &nbsp.Count For i As Integer .LineWidth 1 To ShapesCount = wdLineStyleSingle ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(i) .LineStyle Dim ShapesCount With "修改图片边框 With ;With Next iEnd Sub; ShapesCount = .Borders(wdBorderLeft) With i = As = wdLineStyleSingle With wdLineWidth050pt wdLineStyleSingle ; With &nbsp.Borders(wdBorderTop) = wdLineWidth050pt End With With = wdLineWidth050pt End .LineWidth Integer Dim&nbsp.LineWidth = End With End .Borders(wdBorderBottom) With .LineStyle ActiveDocument.InlineShapes; = wdLineWidth050pt End .LineStyle &nbsp.LineStyle = .LineWidth = wdLineStyleSingle&nbsp: Sub .Borders(wdBorderRight) ; BatEditPic() &nbsp...


""试了一下 下面的代码可以;"".Paste xlApp.MoveDown Unit;"".Number 0 ThenSet xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application&quot:A12").Copy "", Count:=11, Extend:=wdExtendSelection;"""".SelectSelection;"这个貌似不执行啊Windows(&quot, 1):=wdLine;这个word含有表格,处于打开状态Tables(1).Cell(1;"".Workbooks;a1""""") "创建EXCEL对象 xlApp.Visible = True "设置EXCEL对象可见End IfErr;""\"thisName = Range(""""".ClearSet xlBook = xlApp.HomeKey wdCellSelection.worksheets(1)xlSheet.Range("A1;判断Excel是否打开If Err;"""""":\新建文件夹\1.xls"Excel;"""":Public Sub lllkk()Dim xlAppDim xlBookDim xlSheetDim docAppDim newDocDim thisPath, thisName As StringFileDir = &quot.doc").Activate """"1;C.Open(FileDir) "打开工件簿文件xlBook.Visible = TruethisPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &quot.Application") "On Error Resume NextSet xlApp = GetObject(, ")Set xlSheet = xlBook


Sub test() Dim fso, fp, arr, wd, f, n%, fname$ Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set fp = fso.getfolder(ThisWorkbook.Path) ReDim arr(1 To fp.Files.Count, 1 To 2) arr(1, 1) = "文件号": arr(1, 2) = "标题" Set wd = CreateObject("word.application") n = 1 For Each f In fp.Files If Right(f, 3) = "doc" Or Right(f, 4) = "docx" Then n = n + 1: arr(n, 1) = fso.getbasename(f) fname = fso.getfilename(f) With wd.Documents.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & fname, True, True) wd.Visible = True arr(n, 2) = .Paragraphs(2).Range .Close End With End If Next wd.Quit Sheets(1).[a1].Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)) = arrEnd Sub现在有一个文件夹下有N个Word文件,要将他们的文件名和文档内的第二段提取到Excel表格,如何通过VBA实现...


Visible = True Set WrdDoc = App.Documents.Open(MyFile) "请修改实际储存路径; 遍历Mypath下面的所有WORD文档 App; "" ".Application") "用Set关键字创建Word应用成序对象!MyFile = Dir(Mypath) "!Set App = CreateObject("Word;&gt, BM; 获得第一个WORD文档do while MyFile &lt.doc" "*, MyPath, StrMypath = "文件实际路径\, MyFile, WrdDocSub abc()Dim App;打开这个Word文件! for each BM in WrdDoc.Bookmarks " 遍历文档中的所有书签 Str = BM.Range "...


y, 1) = ".End - 1 Then "如光标在文末Selection.TypeParagraph "在文末添加一空段ElseSelection.MoveDownEnd IfNext FnElseEnd IfEnd WithSet myfile = NothingEnd SubFunction Basename(FullPath) "取得文件名Dim x, y, 1) = "/工作文件&quot.35MyPic;&quot.AddPicture(FileName.SelectedItemsSelection.Text = Basename(Fn) "这两句移到这里Selection.HeightIf Selection.Start = ActiveDocument; "这里输入你要插入图片的目标文件夹If .Height = (c * 28.35 / WidthNum) * MyPic, y, 1) = "\, yDim tmpstringtmpstring = FullPathx = Len(FullPath)For y = x To 1 Step -1If Mid(FullPath.Show = -1 ThenFor Each Fn In 。

图片越多,无响应的时间越长;在此处修改相片宽,单位厘米MyPic.Width = c * 28; Thentmpstring = Mid(FullPath.EndKeyIf Selection.Start = ActiveDocument.Content, SaveWithDocument:=True) "按比例调整相片尺寸WidthNum = MyPic.Widthc = 6 ".End - 1 Then "如光标在文末Selection.TypeParagraph "在文末添加一空段ElseSelection.MoveDownEnd IfSet MyPic = Selection.InlineShapes.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)With myfile.InitialFileName = "E:\.Content,点击确定。

然后静静的等待电脑完成处理工作,次数word会进入无响应状态; Or _Mid(FullPath;&quot:" Or _Mid(FullPath, y + 1)Exit ForEnd IfNextBasename = Left(tmpstring, Len(tmpstring) - 4)End Function执行此代码后,弹出的选择对话框, 全选目标文件夹下的所有图片文件之后Sub 批量插入图片()Dim myfile As FileDialogSet myfile = Application:=Fn




举例:Dim doc As Document "当前打开的文档对象DocumentDim MyApp As Word.Application "Word应用程序对象Dim MyFileName As String "当前打开的文件名MyFileName="c;\aaa.doc" "此处可以改成你的文件名字Set MyApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")Set doc = MyApp.Documents.Open(MyFileName)If doc.InlineShapes.Count 0 thenmsgbox "有嵌入式图片存在!"Elsemsgbox "没有嵌入式图片存在!"End if-------------------------------------------------------如果你非要想知道,用户到底是不是插入了你要求的图片的话,你要必须要再他进行插入图片操作时进行控制,也就是说,你必须把用户所插入的图片的(绝对地址)或者(图片名字)添加到用户所插入图片的“可选文字”中记录下来。

MydocInlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName, LinkToFile, SaveWithDocument, Range)FileName String 类型,必需。



LinkToFile Variant 类型,可选。

如果此属性设置为 True,则将 OLE 对象与创建该对象的文件链接。

如果设置为 False,则令该 OLE 对象成为该文件的独立副本。

默认值为 False。

SaveWithDocument Variant 类型,可选。

如果此属性为 True,则将链接的图片与文档一起保存。

默认值为 False。

Range Variant 类型,可选。

指定一个区域,OLE 对象放置在该区域的文字中。



ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddPicture "C:\stone.bmp",True, True,MyRangeActiveDocument.InlineShapes(ID).AlternativeText = App.Path & "\temp" & shapeII & ".bmp" "添加“可选文字”


代码:1234567891011121314 sub 宏1() dim p,n,st as worksheet p="c:\" "文件所在位置,你可能需要修改,没必须是\ n=dir(p & "&.xls*") do while n"" with workbooks.open(p & n) for each st in .sheets if st.name="施工记录"or st.name="施工记录 (2)"or st.name="施工记录 (3)"then st.printout next st .close end with n=dir loopend sub...
