vba word 插入节 word vba - 电脑|办公 - 电脑办公-杀毒安全-网络-V3学习网
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vba word 插入节 word vba

时间:2020-07-18 08:19:13
如何使用vba在word中插入表格Dim myMenuBar Dim newMenu Dim ctrl1 Dim s Dim flag As String 初始化菜单 Set myMenuBar =

vba word 插入节


Dim myMenuBar Dim newMenu Dim ctrl1 Dim s Dim flag As String "初始化菜单 Set myMenuBar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, _ Temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "电子印章" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "添加电子印章" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption ctrl1.OnAction = "AddSeal" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "验证电子印章" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption ctrl1.OnAction = "CheckSeal" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "关于" ctrl1.OnAction = "About" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption

word 如何进入VBA

Sub AA()Dim projectno As String, projectname As String, datereceive As Date, datecomplate As Date, functionary As StringDim arr As ObjectDim i As LongDim brrprojectno = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Tables(1).Cell(1, 2).RangeDim excelobject As ObjectSet excelobject = GetObject("D:\Downloads\project(word)\project.xls")Set arr = excelobject.Sheets(1).usedrange()brr = arrFor i = 2 To UBound(brr)If InStr(1, projectno, brr(i, 1)) >0 Thenprojectname = brr(i, 2)datereceive = brr(i, 3)datecomplate = brr(i, 4)functionary = brr(i, 5)Exit ForEnd IfNext iActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 2).Range = projectnameActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(2, 2).Range = datereceiveActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(3, 2).Range = datecomplateActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(4, 2).Range = functionaryexcelobject.Close FalseEnd Sub


Sub GenDocfromExcel()"excel控制word,生成新文件,插入图片和文件名,保存"office 2003, VBA工具/引用中要勾选Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library"office 2007, VBA工具/引用中要勾选Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library"...Range("A1:B13").Copy "复制当前内容Dim WordApp As Word.Application "定义变量Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") "生成WORD对象WordApp.Documents.Add "新建文件WordApp.Selection.Paste "粘贴fn$ = "D:\" & Range("b1") "生成文件名WordApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs fn$ "保存文件WordApp.Quit "退出Set WordApp = Nothing "取消变量End Sub...


&nbsp提供示例代码供参考; &nbsp.Count For i As Integer .LineWidth 1 To ShapesCount = wdLineStyleSingle ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(i) .LineStyle Dim ShapesCount With "修改图片边框 With ;With Next iEnd Sub; ShapesCount = .Borders(wdBorderLeft) With i = As = wdLineStyleSingle With wdLineWidth050pt wdLineStyleSingle ; With &nbsp.Borders(wdBorderTop) = wdLineWidth050pt End With With = wdLineWidth050pt End .LineWidth Integer Dim&nbsp.LineWidth = End With End .Borders(wdBorderBottom) With .LineStyle ActiveDocument.InlineShapes; = wdLineWidth050pt End .LineStyle &nbsp.LineStyle = .LineWidth = wdLineStyleSingle&nbsp: Sub .Borders(wdBorderRight) ; BatEditPic() &nbsp...
