i hate this word i hate this part - 电脑|办公 - 电脑办公-杀毒安全-网络-V3学习网
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i hate this word i hate this part

时间:2020-07-20 08:13:55
【Ihatethis】作业帮 但我恨 you know exactly what to do 你明确的知道要做什麽 so that i cant stay mad at you 以至于我不能一直生你

i hate this word


. 但我恨 you know exactly what to do 你明确的知道要做什麽 so that i cant stay mad at you 以至于我不能一直生你的气 for too long thats wrong 这种错误的情况维持了太久(both:) one of these days maybe your magic wont affect me 可能终有一天你不再拥有影响我的魔力 and your kiss wont make me weak 你的吻不会让我软弱 but no one in this world knows me the way you know me 但这个世界上没有人比你更懂我 so you".. oohh...) 我能否有一刻不喜欢你 (ne-yo:) you wont let me 你不想让我做 you upset me girl 女孩,你令我感到沮丧and then you kiss my lips 然后你吻了我 all of a sudden i forgive (that i was upset) 突然我就原谅了你(那让我感到很沮丧) can"t remember what you did 我已记不得你做了什么事 (rihanna:) but i hate.. 所以你可能一直都会在我身上拥有魔力(ne-yo:) yeaahhh.(rihanna..;ll probably always have a spell on me..:) as much as i love you 我很爱你 as much as i need you 我很需要你 and i cant stand you 我忍受不了你 must everything you do make me wanna smile 你做的任何事都能使我微笑 can i not like you for awhile? (no...


A:Hey,What shall we eat tonight?B:Whatever.A:Whatever?Oh,u know what?I hate this word!I hope u never say that to me again!B:OK!Sorry.What do u want to eat A:Do u really want to go out or not?Or just have fast noodles at home?B:Hum...It is up to u.I"m ok!A:All right,actually,i want some spicy food.How about Sichuang dishes?B:Sounds good,that is fine.But which Sichuan restaurant,do u know?A:Yeah,i know one close here and it is nice.I had been there for once.B:Okay,shall we leave now?A:Fine,let"s go.I cant wait to eat my Sichuan poached pork.Wow...tasty...(giggling)


Word Crimes - Weird Al Yankovic Everybody shut up, WOO! Everyone shut up Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey If you can"t write in the proper way If you don"t know how to conjugate Maybe you flunked that class And maybe now you thought That people mock you online Okay, now here"s the deal I"ll try to educate ya Gonna familiarize You with the nomenclature You"ll learn the definitions Of nouns and prepositions Literacy"s your mission And that"s why I think it"s a Good time To learn some grammar Now, did I stammer Work on that grammar You should know when It"s "less" or it"s "fewer" Like people who were Never raised in a sewer I hate these word crimes Like I could care less That means you do care At least a little Don"t be a moron You better slow down And use the right pronoun Show the world you"re a no-clown Say you got a "It" Followed by apostrophe, "s" Now what does that mean? You would not use this in this case As a possessive It"s a contraction What"s a contraction? Well, it"s the shortening of a word, or a group of words By the omission of a sound or letter Okay, now here"s some notes Syntax you"re always dangling No X in "Espresso" Your participle"s danglin" But I don"t want your drama If you really wanna Leave out that Oxford comma Just keep in mind That we see R.U Are words not letters? Get it together Use your spellchecker You should never Write words using numbers Unless you"re seven Or your name is Prince I hate these word crimes You really need a Full time proofreader You dumb mouthbreather Well, you should hire Some cunning linguist To help you distinguish What is proper English One thing I ask of you Time to learn your homophones is past due Learn to diagram a sentence too Always say to whom Don"t ever say to who Yeah, listen up when I tell you this I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis If you finished second grade I hope you can tell you could tell If you"re doing good or doing well Figure out the difference Irony is not coincidence And, I thought that you"d gotten it through your skull What"s figurative and what"s literal Oh but, just now, you said "You literally couldn"t get out of bed" That really makes me want to literally Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head I read your e-mail It"s quite apparent You"re grammar"s errant You"re incoherent Saw your blog post It"s really fantastic That was sarcastic (Oh, psych!) Cause you write like a spastic I hate these Word Crimes Your prose is dopey Think you should only Write in emoji Oh, you"re a lost cause Go back to preschool Get out of the gene pool Try your best to not drool Never mind I give up Really now I give up Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey Go Away!

Re:Plus 的4 AM(feat. I Hate This Place)歌词谁帮我翻译下?

4 AM And words mean nothing No need to drive the sleep from my eyes When there"s none coming tonight 2 hours 35 minutes til the sunrise And the prayer callers from towers cried Entreating us to live a better life than we have All this time But for the time being I"m happy to entreat the blue moon That strikes your eyes Back into mine And tell her Not to end this night So soon 4 AM And words meant nothing The first of four When we stopped running for awhile I told you a story of Dreamers and heros How I could be anyone By escaping into my mind",我能感觉到从这个错过机会 是幸福的, 我怎么可能是任何人都 逃逸到我心灵的眼睛;m outside Underneath your window I"m untied here On some white night would you let me in Could you help me To find a way back to the place Where you first helped me Cuz when you"re watching the snowfall I"m untied here 4 AM 和话的意思是什么 无需要驱动从我的眼睛睡眠 时有是没有未来今晚 2小时35分钟直到日出 而祈祷呼叫者从塔叫着;s eye But I"d never say I was into you Only hope that you"d want me to Somehow know what I was thinking And tell me that it"d be alright 4 AM And words meant nothing You looked so small As you ran off again into the distance And all I could feel from this missed chance Is happy that there was a chance to miss at all 4 AM Words meant nothing No need to drive the sleep from my eyes When there"s none coming tonight When you"re watching the snowfall I",有一个机会错过在所有 4 AM 词意味着什么 无需驱动从我的眼睛睡觉 当有没有今晚来 当你我以外 你的窗口的下面, 提醒我们到住上更好的生活比我们 这段时间 ,但为时间 这么快 凌晨4点的 话意味着什么 前四;m outside Underneath your window I", 当你再次跑掉的距离 , 我很高兴恳求蓝月亮 返回到我 这令你的眼睛, 告诉她 不要结束这个夜晚, 当我们停止运行了一段时间, 我告诉你一个故事 梦想家和英雄, 但我从来没有说我是你, 只希望你要我 不知怎的知道我在想什么 ,告诉我,它会没事的 上午04点 和词意味着什么, 你看这么小,我在这里解开 一些白色晚上
