conversion words conversion words举例
Dearxxx,Thanks for your reply.We are really interested in your project.As we have dealt with the similiar projects before,we trust we are qualified for your conversion project.Regarding the questions you asked,I`d like to reply as fpllows:1. Date ,it`s about 255 days, 105 days for the preparatory work after receipt of your drawing ,then 150 days for conversion in the factory.2.The unit price for the stainless steel is USD1.2/kgWe can undertake your project any time in the next half year and we hope we can receive your Project Specification Documentation as soon as possible,so we can quote you the right.Any guidance,pls let us knowAwaiting your reply.Sincerelly yours,XXX
Dearxxx,Thanks for your reply.We are really interested in your project.As we have dealt with the similiar projects before,we trust we are qualified for your conversion project.Regarding the questions you asked,I`d like to reply as fpllows:1.Date ,it`s about 255 days,105 days for the preparatory work after receipt of your drawing ,then 150 days for conversion in the factory.2.The unit price for the stainless steel is USD1.2/kgWe can undertake your project any time in the next half year and we hope we can receive your Project Specification Documentation as soon as possible,so we can quote you the right.Any guidance,pls let us knowAwaiting your reply.Sincerelly yours,XXX
c++ char* 类的问题
(1) vectorwords2(words, words + words_size); 这种初始化方式没有问题,vector调用了vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)拷贝构造,源码为: templatevector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last): _Mybase(){ // construct from [_First, _Last)_Construct(_First, _Last, _Iter_cat(_First));}从源代码分析可见参数是指针类型适配的,即能够正确转换指针类型。
也就是说在我的编译环境下(visual studio 2008)并没有出现任何编译错误,程序运行完全正确。
(2)关于char* p[]={"ads","tpy"...};这的确是定义了指向字符串指针的指针。
比如我就写填了2个字符串,char* p[]={"ads","tpy"};那么运行期第一维就是2,不会变了。
即:(按指针解引用*)cout cout 当然你知道下面的写法是等价的:(按元素)cout cout 难理解一点的是第二维,即字符串指针所指字符串的长度,是随着每个元素变化的。
想一想,你要定义一个可变长度的字符串数组是怎么定义的?是不是这样啊:char str1[] = {"a", "d", "s"}; // p[0]的化身char str2[] = {"t", "p", "y"}; // p[1]的化身当然实际中并没有str1和str2这个中间变量,你不妨想象它们的确存在。
我们当然确信字符串指针p[0]所指的地址和*p完全一样,p[1]所指的地址和*(p + 1)完全一样,那么我们有理由认为cout cout cout 同理,cout cout 举一反三,cout cout cout cout cout cout 原来秘密在这里:编译器对解引用*进行运算时,是类型敏感的!再一次深入浅出:在我们取到第一维时,类型为char*, 解引用运算就是在第一维上,*p为第一个字符串,当然*(p + 1)就取到下一个字符串了;当我们取到其元素p[0]了,再进行解引用,这是已经到第二维了,编译器看到的类型为char,则必然*p[0]为第一个字符串首字符"a",*(p[0]+1)第一个字符串第二个字符!问题看似很简单,实则并非表面那么简单。
Abstract:the comprehensive analysis of the long-term equity investment in daily accounting application,shallow and deep,by the analysis of the progressive gradually saw a long-term equity investment,the content is clear,clear,summarized in four aspects,one is the basic information of the long-term equity investment,the definition,characteristics,etc.; 2 it is the initial measurement of long-term equity investment respectively from the business combination under the same control,not under the same control enterprise mergers and other one way decompose the initial measurement of long-term equity investment; Three is the follow-up measurement of the long-term equity investment,mainly summarized cost method and the equity method; the accounting,etc Four is a long-term equity investment method conversion between.Key words:a long-term equity investment cost method to the equity method
The life of Helen Adams KellerHelen Adams Keller Helen Keller ( as Helen Adams Keller, 18801968 June 1st), American writer, disability educator. Born in June 27, 1880 in a small town in northern Alabama -- the Gurkha mbia. Her time of 19 months because of a fever, be forced to lose vision and hearing. In this dark and lonely world, she becomes, but in mentor Anne Sullivan ( Annie Sullivan ) help, Helen learned with indomitable willpower to overcome physical defects caused by mental suffering. Her love life and gained a lot of knowledge, learned to read and speak, and began to communicate with others. Graduated with honors from the United States of America Harvard University Radcliffe academy, become a have a large stock of information, knowledge of English, French, German, Latin, Greek text in five well-known writer and educator. She traveled around the world, to raise funds for the school for the blind, dedicated his life to the education and welfare of blind. She won praise from people around the world, and received awards in many national governments.Helen believed that vision and hearing loss of the tragedy occurred more often in those poor children to give timely treatment of the family. In order to eliminate social inequality initiated criminal phenomenon, Helen joined the Socialist Party of the United States ( Socialist Party of America ) and international industrial workers association ( Industrial IWW Workers of the World ), as a radical socialist. In 1924, Helen began as a budding American Foundation for the blind to raise funds, this task becomes focus of her life. In 1927, she published " my religion " ( MyRiligion ), tells the story of her conversion to Swedenborg church process, published in 1930 second autobiography " ( Midstream ). ". Before the second war, Helen Keller was a fierce anti-fascist, during the war, she supported the United States in the battlefield, and often invited to military hospital visits. After the war, she and Thompson represented the blind overseas travel around the world. Helen"s life is a tragedy, but we can see from her brave strength. Was the " how I became a socialist " and " why should I join the IWW " two article explains his motives. But the western history textbooks often praised Helen Keller"s early story against illness, and the adult as a socialist in fact deliberately ignored. In " lies my teacher told me that the lie - American history textbook mistakes " in the book mentioned this point. Throughout his life Helen Keller has written 14 masterpiece. University period published " the story of my life ". " My life " is her debut. Works published in the United States of America immediately caused a sensation, known as " the history of world literature and incomparable masterpiece ", published version of more than hundred, in the world had a huge influence. Book by Helen Keller "s " my life " " out of the dark " " teacher " three books and published in the United States " the Atlantic " on the famous prose " if you give me three days light ".中文翻译:海伦·亚当斯·凯勒生平简介00海伦·亚当斯·凯勒又译为海伦·凯勒(Helen Adams Keller,1880-1968 6月1日),美国女作家,残疾教育家。
在这黑暗而又寂寞的世界里,她自暴自弃,但在导师安妮·沙利文(Annie Sullivan)的帮助下,海伦学会用顽强的毅力克服生理缺陷所造成的精神痛苦。
为了消除社会不平等引发的罪恶现象,海伦加入了美国社会党(Socialist Party of America)和国际产业工人协会IWW(Industrial Workers of the World),成为一名激进的社会主义者。
I became a Christian in my late teens,having been raised in a non-Christian home.Through the witness of friends and family,I began to study the Bible and consider the claims of Christ.Although I understood intellectually what was required to become a Christian,my heart deeply resisted the truth of Christianity.I had been involved in what nowadays is called New Age spirituality,but at the time would have been characterized as eastern mysticism and occultism.These non-Christian alternatives had left me thoroughly unfulfilled,but even so I was not ready to abandon them or embrace Christianity.Deep down I was angry with whatever God there might be.God was perfect,and I was imperfect.God was serenely watching as I made a mess of my life.How could God understand human struggle,perched as he was off in some never-never land?But upon reading the Gospels it struck me that God,by becoming human in Jesus Christ,had fully taken on the human condition and really did know what I was going through.Suddenly the Incarnation (God becoming human in Jesus Christ) became incredibly meaningful to me.That realization was the turning point in my conversion to Christianity,and it has never left me.In Jesus,God really understands us,having suffered everything we suffer.But Jesus didn"t just feel our pain.Beyond Jesus" passion and death is his resurrection,signifying his mastery over the forces of darkness that would destroy us.God in Jesus Christ does not merely feel our pain but saves us from it.
Helen Keller Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby,she got very sick. Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she can"t see and she can"t hear." Her mother and father were very sad . Afthe a few years,things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn"t undertand anyting. Then one day a teacher come to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older,she went to college. Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf people. She traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear.
English is a member of the Indo-European family of languages. This broad family includes most of the European languages spoken today. The Indo-European family includes several major branches: Latin and the modern Romance languages (French etc.); the Germanic languages (English, German, Swedish etc.); the Indo-Iranian languages (Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit etc.); the Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Czech etc.); the Baltic languages of Latvian and Lithuanian; the Celtic languages (Welsh, Irish Gaelic etc.); Greek. The influence of the original Indo-European language can be seen today, even though no written record of it exists. The word for father, for example, is vater in German, pater in Latin, and pitr in Sanskrit. These words are all cognates, similar words in different languages that share the same root. By the second century BC, this Common Germanic language had split into three distinct sub-groups:East Germanic was spoken by peoples who migrated back to southeastern Europe. No East Germanic language is spoken today, and the only written East Germanic language that survives is Gothic. North Germanic evolved into the modern Scandinavian languages of Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic (but not Finnish, which is related to Hungarian and Estonian and is not an Indo-European language). West Germanic is the ancestor of modern German, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, and English. Old English (500-1100 AD) West Germanic invaders from Jutland and southern Denmark: the Angles (whose name is the source of the words England and English), Saxons, and Jutes, began to settle in the British Isles in the fifth and sixth centuries AD. They spoke a mutually intelligible language, similar to modern Frisian - the language of the northeastern region of the Netherlands - that is called Old English. Four major dialects of Old English emerged, Northumbrian in the north of England, Mercian in the Midlands, West Saxon in the south and west, and Kentish in the Southeast. These invaders pushed the original, Celtic-speaking inhabitants out of what is now England into Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Ireland, leaving behind a few Celtic words. These Celtic languages survive today in the Gaelic languages of Scotland and Ireland and in Welsh. Cornish, unfortunately, is, in linguistic terms, now a dead language. (The last native Cornish speaker died in 1777) Also influencing English at this time were the Vikings. Norse invasions and settlement, beginning around 850, brought many North Germanic words into the language, particularly in the north of England. Some examples are dream, which had meant "joy" until the Vikings imparted its current meaning on it from the Scandinavian cognate draumr, and skirt, which continues to live alongside its native English cognate shirt.The majority of words in modern English come from foreign, not Old English roots. In fact, only about one sixth of the known Old English words have descendants surviving today. But this is deceptive; Old English is much more important than these statistics would indicate. About half of the most commonly used words in modern English have Old English roots. Words like be, water, and strong, for example, derive from Old English roots.Old English, whose best known surviving example is the poem Beowulf, lasted until about 1100. Shortly after the most important event in the development and history of the English language, the Norman Conquest.The Norman Conquest and Middle English (1100-1500) William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in 1066 AD. The new overlords spoke a dialect of Old French known as Anglo-Norman. The Normans were also of Germanic stock ("Norman" comes from "Norseman") and Anglo-Norman was a French dialect that had considerable Germanic influences in addition to the basic Latin roots. Prior to the Norman Conquest, Latin had been only a minor influence on the English language, mainly through vestiges of the Roman occupation and from the conversion of Britain to Christianity in the seventh century (ecclesiastical terms such as priest, vicar, and mass came into the language this way), but now there was a wholesale infusion of Romance (Anglo-Norman) words.The influence of the Normans can be illustrated by looking at two words, beef and cow. Beef, commonly eaten by the aristocracy, derives from the Anglo-Norman, while the Anglo-Saxon commoners, who tended the cattle, retained the Germanic cow. Many legal terms, such as indict, jury , and verdict have Anglo-Norman roots ...
PURITANS The Puritans were a group of people who grew discontent in the Church of England and worked towards religious, moral and societal reforms. The writings and ideas of John Calvin, a leader in the Reformation, gave rise to Protestantism and were pivotal to the Christian revolt. They contended that The Church of England had become a product of political struggles and man-made doctrines. The Puritans were one branch of dissenters who decided that the Church of England was beyond reform. Escaping persecution from church leadership and the King, they came to America. The Puritans believed that the Bible was God"s true law, and that it provided a plan for living. The established church of the day described access to God as monastic and possible only within the confines of "church authority". Puritans stripped away the traditional trappings and formalities of Christianity which had been slowly building throughout the previous 1500 years. Theirs was an attempt to "purify" the church and their own lives. What many of us remember about the Puritans is reflective of the modern definition of the term and not of the historical account. Point one, they were not a small group of people. In England many of their persuasion sat in Parliament. So great was the struggle that England"s Civil War pitted the Puritans against the Crown Forces. Though the Puritans won the fight with Oliver Cromwell"s leadership, their victory was short-lived; hence their displacement to America. Point two, the witchcraft trials did not appropriately define their methods of living for the 100+ years that they formed successful communities. What it did show was the danger that their self-imposed isolation had put them in. Most of the Puritans settled in the New England area. As they immigrated and formed individual colonies, their numbers rose from 17,800 in 1640 to 106,000 in 1700. Religious exclusiveness was the foremost principle of their society. The spiritual beliefs that they held were strong. This strength held over to include community laws and customs. Since God was at the forefront of their minds, He was to motivate all of their actions. This premise worked both for them and against them. The common unity strengthened the community. In a foreign land surrounded with the hardships of pioneer life, their spiritual bond made them sympathetic to each other"s needs. Their overall survival techniques permeated the colonies and on the whole made them more successful in several areas beyond that of the colonies established to their south. Each church congregation was to be individually responsible to God, as was each person. The New Testament was their model and their devotion so great that it permeated their entire society. People of opposing theological views were asked to leave the community or to be converted. Their interpretation of scriptures was a harsh one. They emphasized a redemptive piety. In principle, they emphasized conversion and not repression. Conversion was a rejection of the "worldliness" of society and a strict adherence to Biblical principles. While repression was not encouraged in principle, it was evident in their actions. God could forgive anything, but man could forgive only by seeing a change in behavior. Actions spoke louder than words, so actions had to be constantly controlled. The doctrine of predestination kept all Puritans constantly working to do good in this life to be chosen for the next eternal one. God had already chosen who would be in heaven or hell, and each believer had no way of knowing which group they were in. Those who were wealthy were obviously blessed by God and were in good standing with Him. The Protestant work ethic was the belief that hard work was an honor to God which would lead to a prosperous reward. Any deviations from the normal way of Puritan life met with strict disapproval and discipline. Since the church elders were also political leaders, any church infraction was also a social one. There was no margin for error. The devil was behind every evil deed. Constant watch needed to be kept in order to stay away from his clutches. Words of hell fire and brimstone flowed from the mouths of eloquent ministers as they warned of the persuasiveness of the devil"s power. The sermons of Jonathan Edwards, a Puritan minister, show that delivery of these sermons became an art form. They were elegant, well formed, exegetical renditions of scriptures... with a healthy dose of fear woven throughout the fabric of the literary construction. Grammar children were quizzed on the material at school and at home. This constant subjection of the ...
我只能帮你这些,才疏学也浅1)ab 词缀按功能分就是曲折词缀和派生词缀,没有cde这种 说法,词缀都是粘着的,不能独立所以没有free affix一说2)bcde 合成词为两个或以上的词素粘着而成,名词性合成词:N+VV+NN+N动词性合成词:N+V形容词性合成词:N + V-ingN + V-edN + Adj介词性合成词:例如in+to=into等等3)b 词的语义变化有下几种:broadening扩大;narrowing缩小;meaning shift借代;class shift变格或转意,所以选b4)abcd;idiom的语义并不是其成份语义的综合,还是要看语境的,有点像俗语,换掉那个成分都不是那个意思了,这里有语义学的内容8)abcd9)a;首字母缩略词10)abd,这是我所知道的缩写