python 分析word word2vec python
lda 数据量大怎么办 python
" def windex  , # -*- , inverted  , 2015-11-23 that word "location) location is the word_list = the word; word_primitive word_split(text): """ Split ".setdefault(word; True) for = jieba.cut(text;Multi-Document " Created byte starting a list of tuple (inverted), using contains inverted {word;" word_split(text): locations . = {} for " (word;  , in return , return position of []) locations.append(index) " Inverted-Index . " word_list; -*- import jieba = inverted;inverted_index(text): """ Create an Inverted-Index of the as of doc_id " .append((windex, word)) windex += 1 word_primitive: if len(word) :[locations]} ": 0; [] ""identifier. {word:{doc_id:[locations]}} a text in words. Returns = 0 document """doc_index): """ Add >"", the document doc_id to the on word_list def Invertd-Index doc_index word specified text document;def inverted_index_add(inverted, doc_id; in for word; cut_all = locations in doc_index.iteritems(): indices = inverted.setdefault(word, {}) indices[doc_id] = locations return inverted def search_a_word(inverted, word): """ search one word """ word = word.decode("utf-8") if word not in inverted: return None else: word_index = inverted[word] return word_index def search_words(inverted, wordList): """ search more than one word """ wordDic = [] docRight = [] for word in wordList: if isinstance(word, str): word = word.decode("utf-8") if word not in inverted: return None else: element = inverted[word].keys() element.sort() wordDic.append(element) numbers = len(wordDic) inerIndex = [0 for i in range(numbers)] docIndex = [wordDic[i][0] for i in range(numbers)] flag = True while flag: if min(docIndex) == max(docIndex): docRight.append(min(docIndex)) inerIndex = [inerIndex[i]+1 for i in range(numbers)] for i in range(numbers): if inerIndex[i] >= len(wordDic[i]): flag = False return docRight docIndex = [wordDic[i][inerIndex[i]] for i in range(numbers)] else: minIndex = min(docIndex) minPosition = docIndex.index(minIndex) inerIndex[minPosition] += 1 if inerIndex[minPosition] >= len(wordDic[minPosition]): flag = False return docRight docIndex = [wordDic[i][inerIndex[i]] for i in range(numbers)] def search_phrase(inverted, phrase): """ search phrase """ docRight = {} temp = word_split(phrase) wordList = [temp[i][1] for i in range(len(temp))] docPossible = search_words(inverted, wordList) for doc in docPossible: wordIndex = [] indexRight = [] for word in wordList: wordIndex.append(inverted[word][doc]) numbers = len(wordList) inerIndex = [0 for i in range(numbers)] words = [wordIndex[i][0] for i in range(numbers)] flag = True while flag: if words[-1] - words[0] == numbers - 1: indexRight.append(words[0]) inerIndex = [inerIndex[i]+1 for i in range(numbers)] for i in range(numbers): if inerIndex[i] >= len(wordIndex[i]): flag = False docRight[doc] = indexRight break if flag: words = [wordIndex[i][inerIndex[i]] for i in range(numbers)] else: minIndex = min(words) minPosition = words.index(minIndex) inerIndex[minPosition] += 1 if inerIndex[minPosition] >= len(wordIndex[minPosition]): flag = False break if flag: words = [wordIndex[i][inerIndex[i]] for i in range(numbers)] return docRight if __name__ == "__main__": doc1 = """ 中文分词指的是将一个汉字序列切分成一个一个单独的词。
分词就是将连续的字序列按照一定的规范 重新组合成词序列的过程。
我们知道,在英文的行文中,单词之间是以空格作为自然分界符的,而中文 只是字、句和段能通过明显的分界符来简单划界,唯独词没有一个形式上的分界符,虽然英文也同样 存在短语的划分问题,不过在词这一层上,中文比之英文要复杂的多、困难的多。
""" doc2 = """ 存在中文分词技术,是由于中文在基本文法上有其特殊性,具体表现在: 与英文为代表的拉丁语系语言相比,英文以空格作为天然的分隔符,而中文由于继承自古代汉语的传统, 词语之间没有分隔。
古代汉语中除了连绵词和人名地名等,词通常就是单个汉字,所以当时没有分词 书写的必要。
在中文里,“词”和“词组”边界模糊 现代汉语的基本表达单元虽然为“词”,且以双字或者多字词居多,但由于人们认识水平的不同,对词和 短语的边界很难去区分。
例如:“对随地吐痰者给予处罚”,“随地吐痰者”本身是一个词还是一个短语,不同的人会有不同的标准, 同样的“海上”“酒厂”等等,即使是同一个人也可能做出不同判断,如果汉语真的要分词书写,必然会出现 混乱,难度很大。
中文分词的方法其实不局限于中文应用,也被应用到英文处理,如手写识别,单词之间的空格就不很清楚, 中文分词方法可以帮助判别英文单词的边界...
f = open("foo.txt") ? ? ? ? ? ? # 打开文件 line = f.eadline() ? ? ? ? ? ? # 读第一行 line = f.eadline() ? ? ? ? ? ? # 读第二行 ct=0; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? # 计数 while line: ? ?line = f.eadline() ? ?ct =line.count("name") ? ? ?# 逐行统计,要找的字串为name f.close() pint (ct) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#输出结果 追答 : 有个小问题,while中两句写反了,正确的f = open("foo.txt") # 打开文件 line = f.eadline() # 读第一行line = f.eadline() # 读第二行ct=0; # 计数 while line: ct =line.count("name") # 逐行统计,要找的字串为name line = f.eadline()f.close()pint (ct) #输出结果